Estimated Delivery Time

The table below is a rough indication of transit time after dispatch. Please note that these are based on our experience of average transit time over the year and may be affected by various issues. Most of the time the order gets delivered within this time frame unless there is an exception beyond our control. If there is an exception, our team will inform you via email.


All orders are shipped from PUNE, IN


Delivery Destination

Estimated Transit Time

Mumbai, Pune

2 Working Days

Other Metro Cities (Delhi, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Jaipur, Indore, Kochi, Vadodara, Lucknow)

2-4 Days

State Capitals 

4-6 Days

North East Territories, J&K 

6-10 Days

North India Urban Locations (20 Lakh+ Population)

5-6 Days

Rest of India Urban Locations (20 Lakh+ Population)

6-8 Days

Rest of India Rural Locations

8-10 Days