Quick Start Guide : U-Disk based P10 LED controller card

Write By: itsmeadmin Published In: Blog Created Date: 2017-04-04 Hits: 11022 Comment: 1



LED sign board design was never so easy, all thanks to low cost LED controller cards available easily through various vendors. Buy one here . This controller card is designed to work with single color P10 and similar display panels. It has 2 HUB12 interface ports and can control LED display size of up to 320×32 led pixels.

Designed using ATSAMD21G17 Microcontroller, it’s an U-Disk based controller card that means you just have to plug in an USB flash drive (aka Pen Drive) with appropriate file downloaded onto it and you can have fully functional LED sign board. It uses USB host peripheral of the SAMD21 MCU and stores the data onto the on board EEPROM for future usage.  It supports multiple languages, timer, clock and multiple animation effects all configurable through a software. Here I am trying to give a quick start tutorial to design your first P10 Panel based LED sign board.


STEP – 1
You must have following set of minimal required hardware to follow this tutorial :

Outdoor P10 Single Color RED panel 32x16 P10 LED Panel with connectors [Buy in India]
ZH-UN LED Panel Display Controller ZH-UN LED Display controller card [Buy in India]
SMPS 5V Output 5V / 5A or 5V/10A SMPS [Buy in India]


STEP #2 Download & Install the LED designer software program


downloadDownload the LED Control System Designer Software 


STEP #3 Design your own custom signboard content

Go to Configure option in the Menu Bar and choose  Screen Settings to configure the Hardware type and other project related details

Go to Configure option in the Menu Bar and choose Screen Settings to configure the Hardware type and other project related details : Pass word is 168



Choose appropriate options as per your project settings. Set proper resolution if you are using more than one P10 panels in cascade

Choose appropriate options as per your project settings. Set proper resolution if you are using more than one P10 panels in cascade


Design your signboard using various options available in the software and download the data to USB flash drive using the icon in the upper right corner as shown in the image

Design your signboard using various options available in the software and download the data to USB flash drive using the icon in the upper right corner as shown in the image


Once data is downloaded onto the USB disk drive remove the drive from your PC and connect it to P10 controller card. If everything goes well you should see your configured data on the display.

If you have any specific questions related to the usage of LED Control System software please drop a comment below and we will try to resolve it as soon as possible. We hope that this quick start guide is helpful in getting started with P10 LED display systems.




Created By 2017-08-15 09:38:14 Posted By Deb Comment Link
What is the total dots supported by this P10 led display controller card?

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