Metaboard - USBPrayog - DIY assembly Kit

Write By: itsmeadmin Published In: Blog Created Date: 2014-05-07 Hits: 2270 Comment: 1

Metaboard, We call it USBPrayog,  is a low cost alternative to popular Arduino UNO prototyping board. It provides most of the arduino functionality at a price that is 1/4th of Arduino UNO.

USBPrayog can be programmed over USB port directly without any need of external programming hardware. This post tells you how to get started with an USBPrayog board at very first time.


Metaboard, We call it USBPrayog,  is a low cost alternative to popular Arduino UNO prototyping board. It provides most of the arduino functionality at a price that is 1/4th of Arduino UNO.

USBPrayog can be programmed over USB port directly without any need of external programming hardware. This page tells you how to get started with an USBPrayog board at very first time.

You require a A to B type USB cable to connect your USBPrayog board to your computer. If you do not want to supply power to your board from USB port itself you may need a 7-9V, 500mA Dc adapter too. At the end you surely need an USBPrayog board to experiment with. So once you arrange all the required items. Keep reading below…

Power Supply

The USBPrayog board can draw its power from either the USB port or through a DC Jack mounted on the board. However you have to choose the source of power to the circuitry on the board using a Jumper, as shown in the figure below, there is a 3 way jumper near 7805 voltage regulator IC. If you connect the jumper between pin 1 and 2 circuitry draws power from USB port and if you connect the jumper between pin 2 & 3 the circuit draws power from a DC adapter connected to the DC jack.

Jumper position when giving Power over USB
Jumper position when providing power through DC Jack

Programming over USB

Each USBPrayog board comes loaded with a boot loader program that helps to program the flash of AVR device directly over USB. There is a jumper named 'upload' on the board. When this jumper is placed into its position between two berg sticks and you press the reset switch the AVR device enters into the boot loader program and the device expects some data over coming over USB that can be programmed to the flash. A step by step procedure for programming USBPrayog will illustrated in a minute.

USBPrayog can be programmed directly through avr-dude and all the other programa that uses avr-dude as a back end programming tools. So the USBPrayog orad can be programmed directly from WinAVR/Arduino/AVR Project IDE/eXtreamBurner/avr-dude etc. But before programming you have to install its drivers.

Driver Installation

Linux already has drivers for USBPryog, However, Driver installation for USBPrayog under Windows is pretty easy.

  1. Download the drivers here.
  2. Once downloaded the driver zip archive, unzip it into some folder.
  3. Connect the USBPrayog board to your laptop. A popup will come out saying USB device not recognized. Its time to install the drivers.
  4. Goto Device Manager there you will see the unrecognized USB device. Just update the driver to that device by giving the path to the driver folder just downloaded by you.
  5. Once the drivers are installed, now connect the USBPrayog to your PC using USB cable and press the reset button. Make sure that the upload jumper is onto its position. Now if you see in the device manager you will find USBPrayog as libusb-win32 devices. Your board is ready to be programmed.

USBPrayog with Arduino IDE

As said earlier USBPrayog can be programmed directly from Arduino IDE. There are two ways to do so. Either you can choose to use the option Upload using Programmer or you can add the USBPrayog in the arduino hardware board list. Both the methods are explained here.

Upload using programmer

Since, USBPrayog in boot loader mode, presents itself to the host computer as an USBasp. So USBPrayog can be programmed just like you are using USBasp as an external programmer. Arduino IDE from 1.0.1 onward includes the facility to program the arduino compatible boards using external programmers like USBasp, USBTinyISP. Step by step procedure for programming USBPrayog using Arduino IDE is given below.

  • Choose the board as Arduino NG or older with ATmega8 in the board menu.
  • Put your USBPrayog into boot loader mode (as explained above in the programming section).
  • Reset the board so that it presents itself as USBasp to the host. Check in the device manager if its done.
  • Now Open Arduino IDE (version 1.0.1 or later)
  • Write the sketch or open any example lets say blinky…
  • You can customize the program to suit your need or you can use it as it is.
  • Choose the programmer as 'USBasp' from “Tools→Programmer→USBasp” as shown in the figure below.
  • From menu choose, “File→Upload using Programmer”, If everythign goes fine this command should load the program to the device flash. Once programming done the program will start executing. From next time onward when you reset the board, remember that the upload jumper should be off if you do not want to update the flash memory.


Points to remember
  1. When you want to update the program in flash memory upload jumper should be On/Placed.
  2. When you do not want to enter the device into boot loader upon reset, remove the upload jumper. When the upload jumper is not at its place the device starts running the main program directly and skips the boor loader.
  3. Every time you want to update the program in the flash memory, make sure that you have the USBPrayog detected as USBasp in the device manager.
  4. For any kind of installation or programming related problem drop a mail at [email protected]



Some of the users of USBPrayog have complained about the working of USBPryaog with Latest versions of Arduino/avrdude. If you are getting warning like “can not set sck clock period for usbasp”, or something similar, Do not worry, We have found out a solution for this. All you need to do is, Go to preferences.txt file for Arduino. preferences.txt file for Arduino can be found at “C:/Users/<user_name>/AppData/Roaming/Arduino” for Win7, just replace the preferences.txt file from the old one to this new one (Download the new preferences.txt here) Everythign should work fine now.


Avoid connecting LED to pin D7 of USBPrayog, because when you put the program upload Jumper ON, It short circuits D7 with Ground, so it may cause a problem.




Created By 2017-04-04 00:56:37 Posted By Devesh Samaiya Comment Link
Nice Tutorial Thanks

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